Mr. Jeremy Fischer
Drummond Woodsum, Portland, MEJEREMY chairs the firm’s bankruptcy practice group and has represented central players in several large and complex regional bankruptcy cases, including Parkview Adventist Medical Center, Sanctuary Care, GT Advanced Technologies, Plastic Technologies, Lincoln Paper and Tissue, Merrymeeting Behavioral Health, Great Northern Paper, Porter Building Systems and the Montreal Maine & Atlantic Railway.
While attending law school full time and graduating summa cum laude, Jeremy was a member of the Maine House of Representatives, where he served as House Chair of the Appropriations Committee. During his three terms in the Legislature, he oversaw the passage of a balanced bipartisan budget and the largest bonded investment package in state history, and sponsored legislation creating the Maine Community College System. He also regularly appears as a political analyst on local TV and radio. In addition, he has also authored articles for the ABI Journal and is special projects coordinator for ABI’s Bankruptcy Litigation Committee, as well as a member of ABI’s Northeast Bankruptcy Conference advisory board.
Education is important to Jeremy, and he currently serves on the board of directors of Jobs for Maine’s Graduates, a statewide nonprofit focused on supporting educational opportunities for at-risk youth. He also volunteers for the Maine Early Learning Investment Group, where he advocates for universal access to pre-K education, and he sits on the board of visitors of the University of Maine School of Law. In addition, he volunteers for the Credit Abuse Resistance Education (CARE) program, for which he teaches financial literacy at high schools throughout Maine.
If you were to ask the bankruptcy judges in the District of Maine and elsewhere before whom Jeremy has appeared, they would concur that Jeremy is a well-regarded practitioner and one of the brightest young stars in our bar.